Using the Vim Plugin

After installation, the mounted folder (e.g. mnt/) can be opened in Vim to make use of the plugin with the command vim mnt/. The following commands are available in Vim when editing a file in the CodeGrade filesystem:

Command --fixed Description
CGEditFeedback Edit the current submission’s global feedback.
CGEditGrade Edit the current submission’s grade.
CGShowLineFeedback Show the line-feedback for the current buffer in the quickfix list and open the quickfix window.
CGEditLineFeedback Edit the comment for the current line in the current buffer.
CGDeleteLineFeedback Delete the comment for the current line in the current buffer.
CGOpenRubricEditor Edit the rubric of the assignment of the current file.
CGOpenRubricSelector Open the rubric for the current submission.
CGRubricPrevSection Go to the previous header in a rubric file.
CGRubricNextSection Go to the next header in a rubric file.
CGRubricSelectItem Select the rubric item on the current line.


The --fixed flag when mounting is required to use specific commands.